Alayna Bowman

The Story of Our Princess

A daughter, a sister, a friend, and a peer... Alayna left a legacy of love.
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Alayna was known for making friends and always including others. She believed in making sure others felt special. Her friendships were something she cherished. Leaving the world a better a place.

Welcome to Choctaw!

Alayna was involved in so many different things in high school. As the Indian Princess a mascot of the school, she was dedicated to sharing her passion of school spirit with others. Celebrating the athletes, members of clubs, band, performers, and more. As the Indian Princess since her Freshman year, Alayna, would visit local schools to read to children and share personal story to help other feel special.
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Link Crew!

Alayna was able to share her faith, spirit, and make students feel at home at Choctaw as a member of Link Crew. This leadership program to help incoming Freshmen adjust to the high school experience, She also enjoyed being involved in Wheelettes, a Rotary Club, Inner Club Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, being an office of her class each year, and more. Never a dull moment!

Miss CHS!

Choctaw hosted a Miss CHS pageant annually where female students compete in a talent and pageant night. Alayna was able to participate in this twice during her time at Choctaw, This is such a great way for fellow students to get to know one another, and to support each other.
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What comes before Part B? Part A!

Her favorite joke is still part of her legacy. Her laughter and silliness will always be remembered.
Alayna loved to laugh and dress up, whether it was for homecoming, prom, or cotillion. She loved to dance the night away with her friends!
From what you can tell already, Alayna was a happy teenage girl. Unfortunately, tragedy struck too soon. Alayna was 16 when she was driving her younger brother home in June 23, 2010. While turning into her driveway, she was hit by a repeat offender and drunk driver. Alayna was killed and her brother, Mack, was injured. Alayna was gone too soon.
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Alayna Brianne Bowman becomes Always Be Brave

As hearts were breaking, the Bowman family started a foundation to help others attend college in Alayna's name. She may not have had a chance to realize her drams, but with the love and support of the community, other will. In honor of Alayna's bravery, her time spect as the Indian Princess, and her commitment to others, the movement Always Be Brave was formed.

Alayna Bowman Memorial Golf Tournament

Shortly after Alayna's passing, her brother Mack formed a scholarship foundation with the help of family, friends, and our wonderful community.

Each year, the Alayna Brianne Bowman Memorial Scholarship Foundation hosts a golf tournament to raise money to support local high school seniors pursue their college education. The Foundation and the giving community has awarded over $100000 to local students.
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Remembering Alayna

Life without Alayna has been incredibly difficult but knowing that her legacy lives on through the leaders of tomorrow brings happiness to all who loved her.

Our angel is with us everyday letting us know to Always Be Brave!